Bio2actives 2017 – Biographie de Fabienne Guillon

Dr Fabienne Guillon obtained her PhD in 1987 in Food Science at the University of Nantes. After several years as a Post Doc at INRA, she was appointed as a junior scientist (CR2) at the INRA of Nantes in 1990 and is currently DR2 in the Biopolymers, Interactions and Assemblies unit at INRA of Nantes. She is the group leader of plant Cell Wall team.
She has several years of experience in the area of dietary fiber and gastrointestinal function. Her research is now focused on structure and composition of plant cell-wall and how cell wall might influence the end-use properties of plant material. Her research focuses on:
1) cereal cell walls and particularly on the structure, assembly, and morphogenesis of cell walls and
2) on lignocellulosic biomass of plants, particularly characterising the molecular and polymeric structural components to elucidate the biodegradation and the interactions between enzymes and plant structure.
She has developed a recognized expertise on plant imaging.
She is the author of more than 80 peer-reviewed international publications and 8 book chapters.