Bio2actives 2017 – Biographie de Nathalie Bourgougnon

Pr. Nathalie Bourgougnon has been working in the Laboratoire de Biotechnologie et Chimie Marines (LBCM) at Université Bretagne-Sud since 2001.
Previously, she was lecturer at the University de la Rochelle during 8 years. The principal thematic of her research relates to the search for marine substances with biological activities mainly extracted from seaweed.
She has a good experience in the field of the extraction, purification, characterization and evaluation of biological (antiviral, antifouling…) activities of marine compounds.
She has published ca. > 70 papers in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters, in particular on antifouling or antiviral substances extracted from seaweeds, extraction and purification of bioactive marine substances. She has deposit two patents about antiviral substances.
She has been involved in several European projects (e.g. FP4 Bioactive Marine Natural Products in the Field of Antitumoral, Antiviral and Immunomodulant Activity, MAST III; FP5 AVINSI- Anti Viral Infection Non Specific Immunity: Basis of non specific immunity against viral diseases in aquacultured species; FP6 Valbiomar Biotechnologique valorization of the marine resources; FP7 Biotecmar: integrated transregional project for communication, technical information and technology transfer in the domain of biotechnological exploitation of marine products and by-products) and recently in OSEO and FUI program ULVANS and VB2. She has coordinated the project ASEM-DUO from MAE between France and Malaysia (2007-2009) and ECOS Nord with Mexico (2015-2018).
She has progressively held important responsibilities in the field of doctoral training and research. She is actually director of the LBCM.