Bio2actives 2017 – Biographie de Thomas Pauquai

Thomas PAUQUAI, PhD – Head of Health Claim & Food Safety Department
Thomas has a PhD in Physiology & Physiopathology from the Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris VI, France. Following its doctorate he joined the Laboratoires Lescuyer, specialized in food supplements, phyto and micronutrition, and became the head of the R&D department. He and his team of scientists formulated and developed food supplements for health and recommended by medical practitioners.
In 2007, he joined the consultancy Nutraveris to become the Head of Health Claim & Food Safety department. He and his team prepare and submit successful Health Claim and Novel Food dossiers, formulate innovative food supplements, submit patents, and write scientific argumentation records justifying the efficacy and safety of health nutrition products.