Biotech Santé Bretagne is a partner of the European project Interreg North Sea «ACE». This project aims to accelerate the innovation ecosystem of future home care in the North Sea region. From 17 to 19 June 2024, Biotech Santé Bretagne hosted the European delegation of partners to discuss the progress of the project and make them discover some key players in the Bretagne region.

On the agenda of the delegation:
- Constructive exchanges on the progress of the ACE project which brings together no less than 13 partners across Europe (Germany, Belgium, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Sweden) including Biotech Santé Bretagne
- Discussions with Kevin Charras on the Living Lab Ageing and Vulnerabilities of the University Hospital of Rennes
- The visit of the Saint-Hélier foundation with its telemedicine services, its Handimobile truck, its Typ@d device and its EPHAD
- Exchanges with the company OSO-AI on its innovation: the augmented ear of caregivers
- The discovery of the innovation centre dedicated to disability: the CoWork’HIT
- Visit of the springboard apartments, the Rehab Lab and the rehabilitation technical platform of the Mutualist Center of Kerpape
Published on 03/07/2024