Agriculture & Agrifood
Growing tomorrow’s industry, today
Bretagne is France’s top agriculture and agrifood region. As such, we have the agri-biotech capability needed to address today’s major challenges such as producing safe, highly nutritional and tasty food sustainably across the value chain – from agriculture to agrifood.
Biotech making agriculture and agrifood more competitive
At a time of intensified plant, animal and fish production, Bretagne has set up companies able to process and exploit raw materials. Our region’s resources and skills enable us to rise confidently to the challenges ahead.
Agri-biotech: Bretagne’s specificities
- considerable expertise in plant selection and biocontrol (GreenCluster,…);
- recognized skills and knowledge in the livestock sector: selection, health, natural ingredients;
- a diverse food processing industry integrating bioprocesses: fermentation, enzyme engineering…;
- acknowledged expertise in health safety using innovative molecular biology techniques;
- exploitation of agro-resources with high added-value active ingredients…
Key businesses and organizations
- 117 agrifood companies have integrated biotech processes: large firms, SMEs, start-ups
- 3 innovation clusters: agrifood – Valorial / plants – Végépolys / Sea – Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique
- 1 biotech innovation center: Biotech Santé Bretagne
- 5 agrifood research and innovation centers brought together under the ACT Food federation and 1 center specializing in dairy products: Actalia
- Biological resource centers: BrACySol, CIRM BIA, CRBM, CRYOAQUA, UBOCC…
- Research organizations: INRAE, ANSES, CNRS, Agrocampus Ouest… et des plateformes (PFT Prodiabio, Réseau Biogenouest…)
- Advanced training: ESIAB, Agrocampus Ouest, universities